Paul teaching a Personal Yantra workshop in Taiwan
Paul Rodney Turner was born in Sydney, Australia in 1963 and grew up in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. From a very early age, he became interested in astronomy, astrology, numerology, billiards and graphic design.
At the age of 19, Paul left home to live a reclusive life in Sydney’s Blue Mountains. At this time, he met Jain 108, a budding astrologists, artists and sacred geometrician who was fascinated with magic squares. Jain peaked Priya’s curiosity with magic squares.
Soon after, Paul joined an ashram to become a bhakti yogi and took a vow of celibacy. For the next 14 years Paul, now known as “Priyavrata das” — or “Priya” for short — by his fellow Vaisnava monks, studied the ancient teachings of the Vedas as taught by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. During this time, Priya furthered his interest in the mystical arts of numerology and sacred geometry.
Over the next 28 years, Paul traveled to more than 50 countries throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas, helping to inspire and set up Food for Life vegetarian food relief projects and train volunteers. In 1994, Priya wrote the official Food for Life training manual and in 1996 he wrote, sang and produced the first official FFL music CD called Prasada Sevaya (Service to holy food).
It is no surprise that a fascination with geometry and numbers parlayed into Paul’s contribution to the world of billiards with the invention of the world’s best aim trainer, The Billiard Aim Trainer (BAT) in 2006.
Paul is currently traveling the world sharing his wisdom and experience, while he continues to serve the charity, Food for Life Global, teach Food Yoga, and hone his intuitive skills to better serve his clients with accurate numerology readings and inspired designs.
Blog: www.PaulRodneyTurner.com
- Authored The 5 Noble Truths – Affirming your Brilliance (2013)
- Authored How to Build a Great Food Relief (Published in 2010)
- Authored FOOD YOGA – Nourishing the Soul (published in 2011)
- Official Food for Life Training Manual – Second Edition (2013))
- Wrote and published International Food for Life Newsletters since 1990
- Authored The YOGA of POOL – Secrets to becoming a Champion in Billiards and Life. (published 2010)
- Authored World’s Best Aiming System for Billiards(published 2010)
- Developed and designed the Food for Life Web site. http://www.ffl.org – Currently maintaining
- Invented the Billiard Aim Trainer(BAT) in 2006
- Designed and published Training/promotional supplements to FFL manual, guidelines, flyers, prospectus, posters, etc.)
- Co-Produced a 10-minute fund raising video for the charity
- Wrote, sang and produced FFL music CD Prasada Sevaya (for fund raising)
- Conducted volunteer training seminars (100 training seminars in 29 countries and regions of the world)
- Gave public lectures at Food conferences (Internationally) – Current
- Publishing (Articles for vegetarian magazines and newspapers)
- Elected Council Member of IVU (International Vegetarian Union in 1999 – 2003)
- Editor and producer of International Vegetarian Union magazine (1999 – 2003)
- Senior Technical Consultant at The World Bank (Washington DC) (2000 – 2010)
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