Number Advantage Yantra Package includes:

  1. Full-colour Personal (Soul) Yantra (Personal Geometric Signature)
  2. Full numerology reading of name and birthdate numbers
  3. Analysis of Name and Birth Chart combination
  4. Identification of strengths and weaknesses
  5. Guidance on how to overcome weaknesses
  6. Name change suggestions (if necessary)
  7. Identification of your ideal career path
  8. Identification of the 4 major cycles in your life
  9. Current year of your cycle and how it is affecting you
  10. Identification of lucky: gems, days, colours, planet, and deity
  11. Identification of ideal partner numbers for business and romance
  12. Protective Mantra
  13. Lucky Talisman (Magic square)
  14. The next 12 months influences and how to manage them
  15. 10 Minute Skype Consultation to discuss the reading

YES, I would like to have  a reading and personal yantra designed for me!

COST $195

You will receive a full numerology reading of your name and birthday, along with a high-resolution A3 colour poster or digital art of your unique geometric signature that you can use as you please.

Birthday (D – M – Y) + Time
Name or affirmation to use