Your Magic Square Yantra

// General Array Function

function MakeArray(n) {
this.length = n;
for (var i = 1; i <=n; i++) { this[i] = 0; } } //Initialize Days of Week Array dayNames = new MakeArray(7); dayNames[0] = "Saturday" dayNames[1] = "Sunday" dayNames[2] = "Monday" dayNames[3] = "Tuesday" dayNames[4] = "Wednesday" dayNames[5] = "Thursday" dayNames[6] = "Friday" //Initialize Months Array monthNames = new MakeArray(13); monthNames[0] = "" monthNames[1] = "January" monthNames[2] = "February" monthNames[3] = "March" monthNames[4] = "April" monthNames[5] = "May" monthNames[6] = "June" monthNames[7] = "July" monthNames[8] = "August" monthNames[9] = "September" monthNames[10] = "October" monthNames[11] = "November" monthNames[12] = "December" //Initialize Box D Array boxDMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxDMeanings[1] = "" ; boxDMeanings[2] = "" ; boxDMeanings[3] = "" ; boxDMeanings[4] = "" ; boxDMeanings[5] = "You are going to have to learn to stand on your own two feet and achieve independence. This is not an easy lesson to learn. Many people on this path start out in life be being dependent, rather than independent, and gradually gain confidence as they mature. The ultimate position for somebody on this path is in a leadership role. This could be in management, self-employment, or some other position where the person has sufficient responsiblity." ; boxDMeanings[6] = "Your are going to have to learn the lesson of diplomacy. This is an enjoyable path, as you will instinctively be able to make others feel at ease. However, you may be overly sensitive at times, and will have to learn to handle your emotions. You are naturally intuitive, and the sensitivity is often channeled into psychic areas." ; boxDMeanings[7] = "You will be learning creative self-expression. This can come out in a variety of ways: talking, writing, music, etc. With most people, it comes out as verbal communication. This path is a pleasant one as there is a certain lightness attached to it. The risk is that you will dabble and fail to develop your talents." ; boxDMeanings[8] = "You have to learn to establish and maintain system and order. You will have to pay attention to details, and work hard and long when required. It is not an easy path. You will see others taking short cuts and enjoying frivolous activities, and could resent the necessity of working so hard. However, the hard work does ultimately pay off." ; boxDMeanings[9] = "You have to learn to harness continual change and variety. Young people on this path are likely to worry loved ones with their erratic behaviour and inability to settle down. However, once you find the right track, your progress can be remarkable. People on this path always need something exciting to look forward to. Generally, you try to find an exciting, varied career. Otherwise, you find the variety you crave with a series of unusual hobbies or interests." ; boxDMeanings[10] = "You will be learning the lesson of responsibility, especially family responsibility. You will enjoy being with and caring for people you love. You need to make sure that your own needs are met, though, and that you do not become a doormat for everybody else. This path can be a highly rewarding one, and you are likely to give - and receive back - a great deal of love. You tend to be highly creative and artistic, and people on this path receive enormous pleasure from pursuing creative activities." ; boxDMeanings[11] = "This is a very powerful Life Path. You have to learn to analyse and discriminate. It is an introspective path and you will need to spend much time on your own, without feeling lonely. As you progress through life, you will gradually build up a philosophy and a faith, ultimately gaining wisdom and knowledge." ; boxDMeanings[12] = "You need to learn to handle money and large undertakings. You need to find something challenging that has the potential for financial reward. You will be rigid and fixed in your views, and need to learn to be more flexible. You must be scrupulously honest, as a greedy person will inevitably learn the hard way through a loss of some sort." ; boxDMeanings[13] = "You need to learn to become humanitarian. It is a positive path, but many on this track resent the need to be forever giving. The greatest rewards come from giving with no thought of any return. This is a hard lesson to learn, and young people on this path often try to turn it around, becoming takers and users rather than givers. Doing this provides no satisfaction. This is a creative path, providing considerable potential, and you may well do your giving through some form of creativity." ; boxDMeanings[14] = "This is the path of inspiration and enlightenment. People on this path have great dreams. This Master Number gives you access to many ideas and concepts. You need to carefully evaluate these ideas, and accept only the ones that are practical. You spend much time in daydreams, and need to ensure that you also spend sufficient time in making your dreams a reality." ; boxDMeanings[15] = "People on this Life Path can accomplish anything once they learn how to harness the nervous energy that is always present around Master Numbers. You have access to many ideas and concepts, and have the practicality to make good use of them. Number 22 is known as the Master Builder, and people on this path literally can achieve anything they set their minds on, ideally something on a large scale." ; //Initialize Box E Array boxEMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxEMeanings[1] = "" ; boxEMeanings[2] = "You need to put more enthusiasm and energy into close relationships. You don\'t really enjoy being with people and need to be closer to the people you like. You are not too bothered about being liked by others. You need to make more of an effort with all of your relationships and try to see the positive side of people you meet. You can also put enthusiasm and energy into psychic development, if you weren\'t so sceptical." ; boxEMeanings[3] = "You need to put more enthusiasm and energy into doing your own thing. You find it hard to set your own individual goals and go after them with a great deal of determination. You are not at your happiest when left to your own devices, with little input from others." ; boxEMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxEMeanings[5] = "You put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into doing your own thing. You set your own individual goals and go after them with a great deal of determination. You are happiest left to your own devices, with little input from others." ; boxEMeanings[6] = "You put your enthusiasm and energy into close relationships. You enjoy being with people and want to be close to the people you like. You have a need to be liked by others. You make an effort with all of your relationships and invariably see the positive side of people you meet. You can also put enthusiasm and energy into psychic development." ; boxEMeanings[7] = "You are a real enthusiast! You enjoy having a good time. You put energy and considerable enthusiasm into entertaining and being entertained. You are inclined to dissipate your energies by attempting too many activities at the same time. You can be creative, but often lack motivation to finish what you start." ; boxEMeanings[8] = "You enjoy a challenge. You put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into achieving worthwhile goals. You get little pleasure out of things that happen easily: you need a challenge, and the harder, the better. As worthwhile goals usually take a great deal of time, the enthusiasm carries you through the slower, duller parts, and is still there when you emerge triumphantly at the far end." ; boxEMeanings[9] = "You put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into doing things that are exciting and different. You crave the unusual, the offbeat. You get enormous pleasure out of planning a trip, and then doing it. You are inclined to take risks at times in your efforts to escape the humdrum and mundane. You remain young at heart throughout your life." ; boxEMeanings[10] = "You put your enthusiasm and energy into home and family life. You enjoy puttering around the house and love family activities. You are prepared to do anything for loved ones and are inclined to be self-sacrificing at times. You enjoy beautifying your surroundings and put a great deal of energy into anything you regard as being creative." ; boxEMeanings[11] = "You put your energies and enthusiasm into learning and spiritual growth. You love being on your own to ponder deep mysteries and to grow in knowledge and wisdom. You pour your energies into activities and interests that other people might see as being slightly unusual." ; boxEMeanings[12] = "You put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into making money and being involved in large-scale undertakings. You enjoy making plans and then going out and achieving them. You are motivated by money and work well in careers where your efforts are rewarded in straight financial terms. Commission sales is a good field. You can also put a great deal of enthusiasm into spending money, usually on yourself." ; boxEMeanings[13] = "You put a great deal of time, effort and enthusiasm into helping others less fortunate. You are very giving, and you are happiest when you are giving of yourself for a worthwhile cause. Your humanitarian motives can be directed toward plants, animals or humans. We need as many of these people such as you as possible in the world today." ; boxEMeanings[14] = "You pour your enthusiasm and energy into idealistic pursuits. You are happiest when doing - or thinking about - worthy aims that could benefit humanity as a whole. As you are so idealistic, your ideas are often unpractical, and you need to share your ideas with others to gauge how effective they will be. You spend a great deal of time in pleasant daydreams." ; boxEMeanings[15] = "You put your enthusiasm and energy into large-scale enterprises that can benefit humanity. Your enthusiasm and energy make you totally tireless once you have decided on a worthwhile goal." ; //Initialize Box F Array boxFMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxFMeanings[1] = "" ; boxFMeanings[2] = "" ; boxFMeanings[3] = "" ; boxFMeanings[4] = "" ; boxFMeanings[5] = "You love your family and friends. However, you see yourself as an individual with definite needs to be met, and you will satisfy those needs ahead of any family wants. In a sense, you do not need anybody else, as you are self-sufficient. Consequently, you often appear to be selfish, egotistical and demanding to others. However, you do not see these qualities in yourself." ; boxFMeanings[6] = "You love being surrounded by friends and family. You enjoy the special warmth, love and security created by close friends and family. You go out of your way to befriend others, and to make sure that everyone in the family is getting along well with everyone else. For you to be happy, everbody else must be happy too." ; boxFMeanings[7] = "You are the organiser of the family. You enjoy arranging parties and other entertainments. You shy away from deep, involved discussions, preferring more light-hearted conversation that does not probe into things too deeply. You are warm-hearted, friendly, and fun to be around. You may not be willing to take on too much responsibility, however." ; boxFMeanings[8] = "You are the worker in the family. You make sure everybody stays in contact, keep the family tree up to date, and don\'t hesitate to let everyone know the hard work you are doing. You enjoy constant praise for all your efforts. You can be exhausting to be around, but fulfil a very valuable role in the family. You are often respected rather than loved." ; boxFMeanings[9] = "You enjoy surprising your family and friends with what you do. You might arrange a surprise party, or call your friends at strange hours suggesting they accompany you on a trip to Mount Everest. You are full of ideas of what the family could do. The fact that your ideas are often extravagant seldom enters your head. Things are lively when people like you are around." ; boxFMeanings[10] = "You are family-minded, caring and supportive. You love your friends and family with total devotion. You are willing to do whatever is necessary for the wellbeing of loved ones. Your only fault is that you can be overly protective and stifle any attempts at independence by members of the family." ; boxFMeanings[11] = "You make a wonderful housekeeper. You can be a perfectionist, though, which would annoy other members of the family. You are loving, but slightly detached, and find it hard to express your innermost feelings. Although you love family and friends, you also need quite a bit of time on your own." ; boxFMeanings[12] = "You enjoy making money with friends and family. A family-owned business, with you in the President\'s chair, would be ideal. At times, making money comes ahead of family needs, and this can cause dissension. You can become a workaholic, and may need to be forced to spend time in leisure activities with loved ones. You are also likely to inherit money." ; boxFMeanings[13] = "You love your family and friends, but often spend more time helping strangers than the people you care for most. You are likely to become involved in different humanitarian causes, while ignoring the needs of family. Once you become aware of this, you instantly drop everything to help the loved ones, and then return to your favourite charity. You make friends easily, but often these are with people you want to lean on you." ; boxFMeanings[14] = "You are idealistic and have a glorious vision of what family life and friendship should be like. As reality can never hope to match this dream, you are constantly disappointed. You have an incredible intuition and know when something is wrong with someone you care about, and you enjoy helping them." ; boxFMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box G Array boxGMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxGMeanings[1] = "" ; boxGMeanings[2] = "" ; boxGMeanings[3] = "You feel you ought to be generous, but find it difficult to support causes, especially those that do not immeidately appeal to you." ; boxGMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxGMeanings[5] = "You are generous, in your own way. You can be very generous with causes you support, but slow to support activities that do not appeal much to you." ; boxGMeanings[6] = "You are generous for two reasons: first, you like to help others, and, just as important, you want to be liked. By being generous, you have more chance of being liked by others. Consequently, you are likely to be more generous when others are around to see the generosity. You are particularly generous with your time and energy when it comes to helping loved ones." ; boxGMeanings[7] = "You are generous in a casual sort of way. If you have money in your pocket, you will donate it to any worthwhile cause. You can also be very generous with your time if the activity is enjoyable." ; boxGMeanings[8] = "You are careful with your money and will want to be sure that the cause is worthwhile before contributing. You do not expect a free lunch yourself, and are loathe to give money away too freely. However, if the cause is worthwhile, you can be very generous." ; boxGMeanings[9] = "You are generous in a haphazard way. You may give a lot of money to one cause and very little to another that was equally as deserving. Your contributions can be spread over a wide range of causes. You are not so generous with your time. You hate being confined or restricted, and even being tied down for an afternoon is hard for you. It will be easier for people to get your assistance if they can make you think it was your idea, and then you will be very willing to help." ; boxGMeanings[10] = "You are particularly generous with family and loved ones. You are a caring person and will give generously to any worthy cause. However, you make sure the needs of your loved ones are met first. You are inclined to be a soft touch to a sad story." ; boxGMeanings[11] = "You can be generous if the cause appeals to your beliefs or philosophy. You are careful about giving to causes you are not familiar with, as you have heard numerous stories about money being intended for charity being used up in administration, rather than in helping others. You can be very generous in lending a helping hand when needed." ; boxGMeanings[12] = "You want to make money, rather than give it away, but you can be very generous if the cause is deserving. You are likely to investigate the cause first, as you do not give money away lightly. If the cause is worthwhile, you can be an extremely generous benefactor. Whenever possible, you like to receive recognition for your generosity." ; boxGMeanings[13] = "You are extremely generous, loving nothing more than helping others, so you can be generous in giving your time and energy as well as money." ; boxGMeanings[14] = "" ; boxGMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box H Array boxHMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxHMeanings[1] = "" ; boxHMeanings[2] = "" ; boxHMeanings[3] = "" ; boxHMeanings[4] = "" ; boxHMeanings[5] = "You are humanitarian, but in your own way. You would rather help individually than be part of an organised charity or philanthropic organisation. When working with others, you need to be in the spotlight or in a leadership role." ; boxHMeanings[6] = "You get a great deal of pleasure from helping others, and make natural humanitarians. This helping is likely to be mainly with family and close friends." ; boxHMeanings[7] = "You love communicating and can help others with your company and bright conversation. You find it harder, though, to actually dig in and help others in a more tangible way." ; boxHMeanings[8] = "When helping others, you are prepared to work hard and do everything necessary to assist the people you are working for. You enjoy working for humanitarian causes that you believe in, and do not necessarily want to receive recognition for your contribution." ; boxHMeanings[9] = "You get along well with people and make a natural, if haphazard, humanitarian. You get impatient, though, if your efforts do not bring instant results. Sometimes, you get yourself involved in too many different humanitarian activities, and end up running around in circles helping nobody." ; boxHMeanings[10] = "You love helping others, particularly people you care for, and you welcome opportunities to become involved in humanitarian activities. You also enjoy helping animals and plants and frequently become involved in organisations that help endangered species or sick animals." ; boxHMeanings[11] = "You enjoy the idea of helping others, but are somewhat detached and find it hard to help directly. You find it easier to be involved in the back-room activities, rather than actually go out and assist. In your own way, you help many people, but they would have to know you really well before they were aware of your contribution." ; boxHMeanings[12] = "You are more likely to help with a donation rather than jump in and help in other ways. Once involved, though, you will work long and hard to help any cause you believe in." ; boxHMeanings[13] = "You a natural humanitarian. You thoroughly enjoy working for others and are happy to assist in any way you can. These humanitarian desires frequently show themselves in your choice of occupation, and any field involving helping others would be suitable. Careers such as teaching, nursing and counselling are obvious choices, but you will use your humanitarian skills in any field you enter." ; boxHMeanings[14] = "You love the idea of helping others. You have great ideas about all the things that could and should be done to make this world a better place for everybody. Unfortunately, you do not always act on these fine motives. Once involved, though, with continual encouragement from others, you make wonderful humanitarians." ; boxHMeanings[15] = "You enjoy helping others. Your position is likely to be as an organiser, rather than as a worker. Your leadership skills are a great advantage when it comes to helping others, and you have the ability to inspire and motivate the volunteers under you." ; //Initialize Box I Array boxIMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxIMeanings[1] = "" ; boxIMeanings[2] = "" ; boxIMeanings[3] = "" ; boxIMeanings[4] = "" ; boxIMeanings[5] = "You are inclined to rely more on logic than intuition. All the same, you do get flashes of inspiration when it comes to something you see as being important. You are more likely to call it a \"hunch\" or a \"gut feeling\", rather than intuition." ; boxIMeanings[6] = "You rely very much on your natural, strong intuition. You take it for granted as being an essential part of your life. You are especially intuitive when it comes to people you care about, and often know instantly when something is wrong with a friend or family member." ; boxIMeanings[7] = "In a moment of crisis, you are more likely to act on cold, hard logic rather than trust your inner voice. However, when doing something creative, you can often move from logic into an intuitive state which enhances your work. In other words, you move from left-brain thinking to right-brain." ; boxIMeanings[8] = "You will listen to your intuition, but will also evaluate the situation logically before acting. You pride yourself on being a logical thinker, but actually rely on your intuition more than you care to admit." ; boxIMeanings[9] = "You are casual about your intuition. You get intuitive flashes about all sorts of things. You also use logic over a wide area. Both logic and intuition are used in a haphazard way. You live your life in the future more than in the present, and your intuition often helps you make the right choice. This is one reason why you are often regarded as being lucky." ; boxIMeanings[10] = "You get strong intuitive feelings about your home and family. You intuitively know the right time to call or visit someone in the family who needs help. Your intuition ranges over a wide area, but is used most frequently with loved ones." ; boxIMeanings[11] = "You combine spirituality and intuition as you gradually grow in knowledge and wisdom. Your logical mind can sometimes lose the intuition, but when you slow down enough to listen, your abilities in this field can be highly impressive." ; boxIMeanings[12] = "You are able to use your intuition in assessing the worth of any money-making venture. You examine all the facts and figures, but often it will be your intuition that provides the right answer. Early on in life, logic is likely to win, but gradually, you learn to accept and trust your \"quiet, inner voice\"." ; boxIMeanings[13] = "You are able to use your intuition in helping others. You can sometimes remain quite detached, but at the same time know when it is time to visit someone who needs your help or advice. You have a knack of being in the right position at the right time to help others. This is because of your fine intuition." ; boxIMeanings[14] = "" ; boxIMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box J Array boxJMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxJMeanings[1] = "" ; boxJMeanings[2] = "" ; boxJMeanings[3] = "" ; boxJMeanings[4] = "" ; boxJMeanings[5] = "You are happiest when you are doing your own thing, usually entirely on your own. This could be in any area of life. A hobby is likely to be something like stamp collecting, for instance. A sport might be archery. Although there may be other people around, you are doing your own thing as an individual." ; boxJMeanings[6] = "You are happiest when surrounded by the people you care for. You enjoy family outings and other special times with loved ones." ; boxJMeanings[7] = "You enjoy being with people and having a good time. You enjoy social activities and anything that entertains them. You enjoy conversation and creative hobbies." ; boxJMeanings[8] = "You enjoy having a challenge, something to work toward and achieve. You have a tendency to be a workaholic and often need to be forced into taking time off for rest and relaxation." ; boxJMeanings[9] = "You are happiest when you have something exciting to look forward to. You enjoy travel, meeting new people, and enjoying new and different experiences." ; boxJMeanings[10] = "You are happiest when involved in family activities. You enjoy helping people and love being needed by others. You also enjoy creative activities." ; boxJMeanings[11] = "You are happiest when left to your own devices. You enjoy learning and thinking about the mysteries of the universe. You have mystical tendencies and often lose track of time when engaged in contemplation or meditation." ; boxJMeanings[12] = "You are happiest when making money, or when thinking of money-making ideas. You also enjoy spending money, as long as you see the purchase as being worthwhile and not frivolous." ; boxJMeanings[13] = "You are happiest when helping people less fortunate than yourself. You enjoy working for charities and philanthropic organisations and are always willing to lend a helping hand. You also love creative activities and enjoy giving away what you produce." ; boxJMeanings[14] = "You are happiest when thinking about large-scale plans and dreams. These ideas usually remain as dreams, but you get enormous pleasure out of them, even though you know deep down that you are unlikely to achieve them. Once sufficiently motivated, you also enjoy acting out your dreams and making them happen. The biggest problem you face is deciding which dream out of many to pursue." ; boxJMeanings[15] = "You are happiest when pursuing a worthwhile goal. You want to do things on a large scale so the goal has to be worthy of your abilities. You get much more pleasure out of the progress than from the accomplishment itself." ; //Initialize Box K Array boxKMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxKMeanings[1] = "" ; boxKMeanings[2] = "" ; boxKMeanings[3] = "" ; boxKMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxKMeanings[5] = "You failed to stand on your own two feet in a previous incarnation. This means you are likely to start off this incarnation by being dependent, and gradually learn to have independence." ; boxKMeanings[6] = "You failed to use your intuition in a past life. Consequently, you will find it hard to trust your intuition in the early part of this lifetime, and will only gradually come to recognise and make use of it. You also made mistakes with close relationships, and will have to work hard at this area of life avoid disappointment in this lifetime." ; boxKMeanings[7] = "You were superficial and frivolous in a previous lifetime. In this life you need to learn when to be serious and when to be light-hearted." ; boxKMeanings[8] = "You were lazy in a past lifetime. Consequently, in this life you may sometimes feel as if you are working twice as hard as other people to get to the same place. As you progress through life and pay off this karma, every area of your life gradually becomes easier." ; boxKMeanings[9] = "You wasted time in a past lifetime. You probably overindulged in a wide range of sensual activities. The lesson is for you to learn to use your time wisely. This is not an easy lesson, and it usually takes many years before you realise that time is slipping away." ; boxKMeanings[10] = "You ignored your family responsibilities in a previous incarnation. You need to learn to love and care for your family in this lifetime." ; boxKMeanings[11] = "You failed to develop spiritually in a previous lifetime. Consequently, it is important for you to build up a faith or philosophy in this lifetime. You are likely to have a questioning, slightly sceptical approach to spiritual matters early on in life." ; boxKMeanings[12] = "You misused money in a previous lifetime. You may have had plenty and squandered it, or perhaps even misappropriated money. As a result, you will have to work extremely hard to progress financially in this lifetime until the karmic debt is repaid." ; boxKMeanings[13] = "You avoided helping others in a past incarnation. As a result, you will find it hard to progress in this lifetime until you learn to help and care for others. Once the lesson is learned, you are likely to become a true humanitarian." ; boxKMeanings[14] = "You were given good opportunities in a past life, but failed to seize them, probably through a lack of confidence or a fear of failure. You need to ensure that you do not hold yourself back when the right opportunities come along in this lifetime." ; boxKMeanings[15] = "You misused responsibility in a previous lifetime. You need to accept responsibility in this incarnation and work hard and long to achieve something really worthwhile." ; //Initialize Box L Array boxLMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxLMeanings[1] = "" ; boxLMeanings[2] = "" ; boxLMeanings[3] = "" ; boxLMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxLMeanings[5] = "You have one major relationship that will grow and develop. You can sometimes be self-centered, but generally manage to find a partner who can live with this." ; boxLMeanings[6] = "You make a close, supportive partner. You can communicate with your partner using your highly-developed intuition. This also lets you know instantly when something is not going well or is worrying your partner." ; boxLMeanings[7] = "You need a partner who enjoys conversation and plenty of entertainment. Although you may flirt at times, this is usually for show and is not serious." ; boxLMeanings[8] = "You work hard at your relationships. You may not be the most exciting of partners, but you are always a good provider and care deeply for your loved ones. You are faithful and affectionate." ; boxLMeanings[9] = "You need space and room. You hate being confined, even in a close relationship. You are likely to run at the first sign of being hemmed in. However, you make an excellent partner and exciting lover, providing you are allowed room for outside interests as well." ; boxLMeanings[10] = "You are happiest inside a good, strong, loving relationship. You do not feel complete unless you are surrounded by your loved ones. This is usually your partner and children, but can also include very close friends. You are caring, and enjoy expressing your love and affection." ; boxLMeanings[11] = "You need time on your own, and require a partner who will respect this. Given the right relationship, you can be very loving in thought and action, but always find it hard to express these feelings in words." ; boxLMeanings[12] = "You often do well financially from the right loving relationship. You might marry into money, or perhaps form a business as well as a love relationship with somebody. These partnerships are not likely to be as romantic as some, but are usually long-lasting and happy." ; boxLMeanings[13] = "You make a considerate and highly romantic partner. You enjoy pleasing and surprising your mate with tokens of your love. You need to be careful in choosing a partner though, as you are inclined to fall in love with the idea of being in love and make the wrong choice. Given the right partner though, these are very strong relationships." ; boxLMeanings[14] = "You are idealistic and easily disappointed. You need to choose your partner carefully as you fall in and out of love very easily. You are caring and loving. You express your emotions freely and need a partner who is strong and supportive." ; boxLMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box M Array boxMMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxMMeanings[1] = "" ; boxMMeanings[2] = "" ; boxMMeanings[3] = "" ; boxMMeanings[4] = "" ; boxMMeanings[5] = "You like complete mastery of your money. You are prepared to work hard to make it but want to be sure that you are rewarded adequately. You may prefer to work for yourself, as this ensures that you are in total control of your money." ; boxMMeanings[6] = "You are able to use your intuition when it comes to making and/or spending money. This means that you can instinctively tell if a proposal is good or bad, even when all the figures look good. However, you may have to learn the hard way to trust your quiet, inner voice." ; boxMMeanings[7] = "You are able to make money from your communication skills, usually your talking abilities. For instance, you would make a good sales person, entertainer or teacher. You are good at coming up with money-making ideas, but often lack the motivation to carry them through." ; boxMMeanings[8] = "You like being in solid, respectable occupations and gradully working your way up to responsible positions. You expect to work hard for what you get, and take great pleasure in each step of the journey." ; boxMMeanings[9] = "You make a good wheeler-dealer. You like change and variety and usually become involved in several different careers as you progress through your life. You are happiest when self-employed as you do not like being told what to do. Your love of variety means your career often involves travel." ; boxMMeanings[10] = "You enjoy a stable occupation with good job security. Work always comes second to home and family concerns. You are likely to benefit financially from other members of the family, usually via an inheritance." ; boxMMeanings[11] = "You enjoy scientific or technical occupations. You enjoy the research and study that is involved. You seldom earn as much as you could, as you seek job satisfaction ahead of financial rewards." ; boxMMeanings[12] = "You work well in financial fields or in self-employment. If not self-employed, you will have a responsible position in someone else\'s business. You work hard and are good at making money. You need to ensure that you have other interests outside of money as it can easily become an obsession." ; boxMMeanings[13] = "You can make money working for humanitarian organisations. Your desire to help others can sometimes make you self-sacrificing, so you can be overly generous when it comes to money. You see money as a means of exchange, rather than as an end in itself." ; boxMMeanings[14] = "You can make money from your ideas. You often work best in a partnership with people who have more push and drive than you do. You work well in humanitarian areas, such as education and social welfare. You also do well in creative fields. You do not usually do well in business." ; boxMMeanings[15] = "You have the potential to make as much money as you wish. You need worthwhile goals that you believe in. You seldom work for selfish ends, preferring to do things you see as being worthwhile for humanity as a whole." ; //Initialize Box N Array boxNMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxNMeanings[1] = "" ; boxNMeanings[2] = "You need to use your powerful intuitions to help and support others. You could be caring and sympathetic and derive great pleasure from watching other people succeed, given the initial impetus." ; boxNMeanings[3] = "You find it difficult to start things and watch them grow, although you are more likely to start a business, for instance, than buy an existing one. You are often better at starting than finishing, but your interests are important whilst they last." ; boxNMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxNMeanings[5] = "You enjoy starting things and watching them grow. You are more likely to start a business, for instance, than buy an existing one. You are often better at starting than finishing, but your interests are important whilst they last." ; boxNMeanings[6] = "You use your powerful intuitions to help and support others. You are caring and sympathetic and derive great pleasure from watching other people succeed." ; boxNMeanings[7] = "You are able to build people up with your gift of easy conversation. You are able to inspire others with your words. You are creative and, when pushed, can develop your own talents a long way." ; boxNMeanings[8] = "You are able to work hard and long to support and build up anything that you believe in. Patience is your strong suit, so you are happy to wait years, if necessary, to see success come to something you have supported and worked for." ; boxNMeanings[9] = "You help and advise people in all sorts of different areas. Your advice is sound and well meant, but you have often gone before the results are apparent. You need to be encouraged to nurture something for yourself, and to follow it through to completion." ; boxNMeanings[10] = "You are happiest when supporting and nurturing people you care for. You make a wonderful parent, although you sometimes find it hard to allow your children much independence. You are able to work hard at creative interests and enjoy watching your own progress." ; boxNMeanings[11] = "You enjoy mental challenges, finding out what makes different things work and understanding the hidden truths. When something interests you, you are able to start small and gradually build it up into a major project." ; boxNMeanings[12] = "You are able to take very small undertakings and gradually build them up into lucrative endeavours. You enjoy taking on projects that you feel will make money, and are prepared to nurture them for as long as necessary, providing the potential to make money remains." ; boxNMeanings[13] = "You enjoy helping and supporting groups of people. This could be a club, where you work hard and long as an organiser, or a philanthropic organisation, or any other field where you feel your contribution will help others. You are wonderful at raising other people\'s self-esteem." ; boxNMeanings[14] = "" ; boxNMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box O Array boxOMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxOMeanings[1] = "" ; boxOMeanings[2] = "" ; boxOMeanings[3] = "" ; boxOMeanings[4] = "" ; boxOMeanings[5] = "You will make your own opportunities, preferring little input from others. You enjoy doing your own thing." ; boxOMeanings[6] = "" ; boxOMeanings[7] = "You will find the greatest opportunities in some form of self-expression. You are likely to have a creative talent, especially one involving communication with others. You will also find opportunities through talking with others." ; boxOMeanings[8] = "You will find your best opportunities close at hand. You need to work within the limits you find, and will also find your opportunities there. You are likely to make mistakes when seeking opportunities outside your field of expertise." ; boxOMeanings[9] = "You find opportunities everywhere - in fact, many more of these than you can ever use. A problem is that you are likely to try too many different opportunities, rather than concentrating on one or two." ; boxOMeanings[10] = "You find your best opportunities with, or through, friends and family. You are generous when it comes to sharing your opportunities with others. You are also given a number of creative opportunities." ; boxOMeanings[11] = "You will be given opportunities to develop spiritually and grow in knowledge and wisdom. You are likely to ignore the spiritual opportunities early in life, usually preferring the opportunities that appear in scientific or technical areas. However, the spiritual side gets stronger and stronger and cannot be ignored indefinitely." ; boxOMeanings[12] = "You are given opportunities to both make and spend money. You have many opportunities to invest in money-making schemes, and are shrewd when it comes to assessing the worth of these plans. You are also given many opportunities to spend your money, and this is normally done in areas that give both pleasure and status." ; boxOMeanings[13] = "You will be given many opportunities to help people less fortunate than yourself. You enjoy giving help and support to others and usually look for opportunities to serve." ; boxOMeanings[14] = "You will come up with many opportunities in every area of your life. You need to evaluate these opportunities carefully and utilise only the ones that are likely to benefit you. Once motivated, you are able to make your daydreams practical." ; boxOMeanings[15] = "" ; //Initialize Box P Array boxPMeanings = new MakeArray(15); boxPMeanings[1] = "" ; boxPMeanings[2] = "" ; boxPMeanings[3] = "" ; boxPMeanings[4] = "There is no particular aspect of your life that encompasses this area." ; boxPMeanings[5] = "You gradually build up your own personal philosophy as you go through life. It is likely to be a questioning sort of faith, that you gradually formulate as a result of the experiences you meet." ; boxPMeanings[6] = "You build up a faith and philosophy based on your intuitive insights. You are a caring person who uses their inner voice in every area of your live." ; boxPMeanings[7] = "You have a philosophy of life that you work out logically, questioning everything. You often fail to explore subjects in great depth, preferring a superficial glance, and your philosophy is likely to be an amalgam of everything you have explored." ; boxPMeanings[8] = "You spend time and effort building up your personal philosophy. You study and evaluate carefully, gradually building up a philosophy that continues to develop all the way through your life." ; boxPMeanings[9] = "You change your personal philosophy from time to time as you encounter new experiences. You love exploring new areas and gradually build up a faith and philosophy after evaluating everything you have learned." ; boxPMeanings[10] = "You build up a faith and philosophy built around the sanctity of the family unit. You are likely to believe that you will be together for eternity." ; boxPMeanings[11] = "You are a spiritual, philosophically-inclined person. Your faith, whatever it may be, is strong and constant, and grows all the way through life." ; boxPMeanings[12] = "You have a philosophy based around the hard work ethic. You believe in getting rewarded for your contributions. As you live so much in the material world, you do not usually give much thought to the spiritual side of life until you reach your retirement years." ; boxPMeanings[13] = "You build up a philosophy based on helping others. Behind a slightly detached exterior you are a true humanitarian who is willing to help everyone." ; boxPMeanings[14] = "You are idealistic, which makes you prone to many disappointments. You gradually build up a philosophy of life based on your intuition and powerful insight." ; boxPMeanings[15] = "You want to make a mark on the world. You would like to leave the world a better place than you found it. You are idealistic but practical. You gradually build up a strong, powerful faith and philosophy that enables you to handle anything that life may throw at you." ; // End JavaScript -->


function onloevha(){
if (document.all || document.layers)

Your Personal Yantra


// alert( ;

var digitsLen = 0 ;
var digitsTotal = 0 ;

if ( == 0) {
alert("A date of birth is required to create a Personal Yantra.") ;
location.href = "" ;
} else {
param = unescape( ;
// document.write("

" + param + "

") ;
document.write("Here is your personal Yantra, based on your Date of Birth of ") ;

var i = param.indexOf("#");
var dayno = param.substring(0,i) ;
var j = param.indexOf("#",i+1);
var day = param.substring(i+1,j) ;
var k = param.indexOf("#",j+1);
var month = param.substring(j+1,k) ;
var year = param.substring(k+1) ;
var day1 = day.substring(0,1) ;

document.write(dayNames[dayno] + ", " + day) ;

if ((day == 1) || (day == 21) || (day == 31)) {
document.write("st") ;
} else if ((day == 2) || (day == 22)) {
document.write("nd") ;
} else {
document.write("th") ;

document.write(" " + monthNames[month] + " " + year + ":") ;

if (day.length ==1) {
var day2 = 0 ;
} else {
var day2 = day.substring(1,2) ;

var month1 = month.substring(0,1) ;

if (month.length ==1) {
var month2 = 0 ;
} else {
var month2 = month.substring(1,2) ;

if (year.length == 4) {
var yy = year.substring(2) ;
var year1 = year.substring(0,1) ;
var year2 = year.substring(1,2) ;
var year3 = year.substring(2,3) ;
var year4 = year.substring(3,4) ;
} else if (year.length == 3) {
var yy = year.substring(1) ;
var year1 = year.substring(0,1) ;
var year2 = year.substring(1,2) ;
var year3 = year.substring(2,3) ;
var year4 = 0 ;
} else if (year.length == 2) {
var yy = year.substring(0) ;
var year1 = year.substring(0,1) ;
var year2 = year.substring(1,2) ;
var year3 = 0 ;
var year4 = 0 ;
} else if (year.length == 1) {
var yy = year.substring(0) ;
var year1 = year.substring(0,1) ;
var year2 = 0 ;
var year3 = 0 ;
var year4 = 0 ;

if (yy.substring(0,1) == "0") {
yy = yy.substring(1) ;

// document.write("

" + day + " " + month + " " + year) ;
// document.write("

" + day1 + " " + day2 + " " + month1 + " " + month2 + " " + yy ) ;
// document.write("

" + year1 + " " + year2 + " " + year3 + " " + year4) ;

// var boxd1 = parseInt(day1) + parseInt(day2) + parseInt(month1) + parseInt(month2) +
// parseInt(year1) + parseInt(year2) + parseInt(year3) + parseInt(year4) ;

// var boxd1 = day1 + day2 + month1 + month2 + year1 + year2 + year3 + year4 ;

var boxd1 = parseInt(day) + parseInt(month) + parseInt(year) ;
var endloop = 0 ;

while (endloop == 0) {

// document.write("

boxd1 = " + boxd1) ;

boxd2 = digitalRoot(boxd1) ;

// document.write("

boxd2 = " + boxd2) ;

if ((boxd2 == 11) || (boxd2 == 22) || (boxd2 < 10)) {
endloop = 1 ;
} else {
boxd1 = boxd2 ;


yantra = new MakeArray(16);

yantra[1] = month ;
yantra[2] = day ;
yantra[3] = yy ;
yantra[4] = boxd2 ;

yantra[5] = parseInt(yantra[3]) - 2 ;
yantra[6] = parseInt(yantra[4]) + 2 ;
yantra[7] = parseInt(yantra[1]) - 2 ;
yantra[8] = parseInt(yantra[2]) + 2 ;

yantra[9] = parseInt(yantra[4]) + 1 ;
yantra[10] = parseInt(yantra[3]) + 1 ;
yantra[11] = parseInt(yantra[2]) - 1 ;
yantra[12] = parseInt(yantra[1]) - 1 ;

yantra[13] = parseInt(yantra[2]) + 1 ;
yantra[14] = parseInt(yantra[1]) - 3 ;
yantra[15] = parseInt(yantra[4]) + 3 ;
yantra[16] = parseInt(yantra[3]) - 1 ;

// document.write("

" + yantra[1] + " " + yantra[2] + " " + yantra[3] + " " + yantra[4]) ;
// document.write("

" + yantra[5] + " " + yantra[6] + " " + yantra[7] + " " + yantra[8]) ;
// document.write("

" + yantra[9] + " " + yantra[10] + " " + yantra[11] + " " + yantra[12]) ;
// document.write("

" + yantra[13] + " " + yantra[14] + " " + yantra[15] + " " + yantra[16]) ;

document.write ("

") ;

for (j = 1 ; j < 5 ; j++) {

") ;
for (k = 1 ; k < 5 ; k++) {
x = ((j - 1) * 4) + k ;

") ;

") ;


" + yantra[x] + "

") ;

document.write("And here is a brief interpretation of your personal Yantra:") ;

boxDIndex = getIndex(yantra[4]) ;

Destiny") ;

" + boxDMeanings[boxDIndex]) ;

boxEIndex = getIndex(yantra[5]) ;

Enthusiasm & Energy") ;

" + boxEMeanings[boxEIndex]) ;

boxFIndex = getIndex(yantra[6]) ;

Family & Friends") ;

" + boxFMeanings[boxFIndex]) ;

boxGIndex = getIndex(yantra[7]) ;

Generosity") ;

" + boxGMeanings[boxGIndex]) ;

boxHIndex = getIndex(yantra[8]) ;

Humanitarianism") ;

" + boxHMeanings[boxHIndex]) ;

boxIIndex = getIndex(yantra[9]) ;

Intuition") ;

" + boxIMeanings[boxIIndex]) ;

boxJIndex = getIndex(yantra[10]) ;

Joie De Vivre") ;

" + boxJMeanings[boxJIndex]) ;

boxKIndex = getIndex(yantra[11]) ;

Karma") ;

" + boxKMeanings[boxKIndex]) ;

boxLIndex = getIndex(yantra[12]) ;

Love") ;

" + boxLMeanings[boxLIndex]) ;

boxMIndex = getIndex(yantra[13]) ;

Money") ;

" + boxMMeanings[boxMIndex]) ;

boxNIndex = getIndex(yantra[14]) ;

Nurture") ;

" + boxNMeanings[boxNIndex]) ;

boxOIndex = getIndex(yantra[15]) ;

Opportunities") ;

" + boxOMeanings[boxOIndex]) ;

boxPIndex = getIndex(yantra[16]) ;

Philosophy") ;

" + boxPMeanings[boxPIndex]) ;


Don\'t forget:

    ") ;
  • this is a very basic and brief interpretation; lots more can be inferred from your personal Yantra by looking at inter-relationships between the different numbers") ;
  • if you want to find out more about Yantras, I can recommend ") ;
    document.write("Talisman Magic, ") ;
    document.write("by Richard Webster, ") ;
    document.write("which describes how to create and interpret Yantras.") ;
  • you can learn more about numerology at") ;

") ;
document.write("DISCLAIMER: No responsibility is accepted for anything that results from your reading the above interpretation of your personal Yantra. This is for fun only!") ;


function digitalRoot(digits) {


Entering digitalRoot function with digits = " + digits) ;

digits = "" + digits ;

digitsLen = digits.length ;


digitsLen = " + digitsLen) ;

digitsTotal = 0 ;

for (var i = 0 ; i < digitsLen ; i++) {
digitsTotal += parseInt(digits.substring(i,i+1)) ;


digitsTotal = " + digitsTotal) ;

return digitsTotal ;


function getIndex(originalNumber) {

endloop = 0 ;
workingNumber = "" + originalNumber ;
returnIndex = 0 ;

while (endloop == 0) {
// alert(workingNumber) ;
if (workingNumber == 11) {
returnIndex = 14 ;
endloop = 1 ;
} else if (workingNumber == 22) {
returnIndex = 15 ;
endloop = 1 ;
} else if (workingNumber < 10) { returnIndex = parseInt(workingNumber) + 4 ; endloop = 1 ; } else { workingNumber = digitalRoot(workingNumber) ; } } return returnIndex ; } // -->